Friday, June 24, 2005

The Meat Market

While my offspring was at scouts the other night (another cute story for another blog) I went to Albertson's for ::drum roll:: groceries!


They had their ground beef on special (99 cents a lb. in case you were wondering) so I headed over to the meat counter. Mr. Cute Butcher was there and helped me...tall, dark, and handsome...very nicely seperating 6 lbs into freezer wrapped packages of 1 lb. each. We were talking and I mentioned that it was just me and an 8 year old, which he repeated "Just you and an 8 year old, huh?" We got to talking about how he likes to cook expensive meals, that meat is expensive in Utah, and I suavely mentioned that we live off hamburger helper...and laughed.

I think he was flirting with me.

And it felt good.

So I'll be back at Albertson's meat counter every Wednesday about 7:30 pm, not just because of a cute guy but because that's when they put their ground beef on sale too. But next time I'm wearing a better shirt and I'm gonna wear lipstick.

Just so ya know.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hi Amy...nice to see ya.
99 cents is the price on's usually $2.79 here too. I happen to always be there on week nights when they're getting ready to close up I get the good deals.
But yeah, it's just crazy, isn't it? Almost enough to be a vegetarian...except I hate vegetables.
Did I even spell that right?